Marr Date26 Jun 1897622 
Marr PlaceFalkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Marr MemoAt David Loan, Falkirk Colin Morrison, Ironmoulder, 27 of South Alma Street married Nellie Morrison, 21, domestic Servant of David Loan. Colin’s parents were Colin Morrison, Gas fitter, deceased and Isabella Aitken. Nellie’s parents were James Morrison, Tinsmith and Nelly Brown.
Reside Date31 Mar 1901623
Reside PlaceFalkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland
MemoLiving at 48 Dairds Loan were Colin Morrison, 32, Iron Moulder and his wife Nellie, 27 and their daughters Nellie B, 2 and Isabella, aged less than one month. Living with them was Rachell Morrison?, 20, a Kitchen maid domestic.
Reside PlaceFalkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland
MemoLiving at 2 Napur Place, Bainsford, Falkirk were Colin Morrison, 42, Iron Moulder, his wife of 14 years Helen and their 2 daughters Nellie B, 12 and Bella A, 10. Still living with them was Rachell Murray, 30, married sister-in-law and her daughter (Colin’s niece) Helen B, 2.