Marr DateJun 19024069 
Marr PlaceBristol, Gloucestershire, England
Reside Date2 Apr 19114070
Reside PlaceBristol, Gloucestershire, England
MemoLiving at 1 Avon Cresent in Bristol were Albert Ford, 33, fitters labourer, his wife of 9 years Edith, 32 and their daughters Phyllis, 7, Edith, 5, Olive, 3 and Sylvia, 9 months.
Reside Date19 Jun 19214071
Reside PlaceBristol, Gloucestershire, England
MemoAt 1 Avon Crescent lived Edith Alethea Ford, 42 and her children, Phyllis Edna Ira, 17 Chocolate machine worker, Edith Evelyn, 15 Cigarette machine filler, Olive Violet, 14, Sylvia Alethea, 11, Albert George William, 8 and Esme Marion, 4.