Marr DateMar 18734215 
Marr PlaceIpswich, Suffolk, England
Reside Date3 Apr 18814216
Reside PlaceIpswich, Suffolk, England
MemoJames W cook, 49, baker and confectioner and his wife Mary A, 44 and his daughter Ellinor L, 15, bakers assistant and James & Mary’s daughter Edith M, 2 lived at 90 St Clements Street Ipswich.
Reside Date5 Apr 18914217
Reside PlaceIpswich, Suffolk, England
MemoJames Well Cook, 56, master confectoner, his wife Mary Ann, 54, James’ daughter Elanor Laura, 24, mother (step) help and daughter Edith Maud, 12, scholar and son Bertie James Wells, 10 scholar lived at 27 Foundation Street, Shire Hall Yard, Ipswich.
Reside Date31 Mar 19014218
Reside PlaceIpswich, Suffolk, England
MemoJames W Cook, 68, confectioner, his wife Mary A, 65, daughter Edith M, 21 and son Bertie, 19 lived at 27 Foundation Street, Shire Hall Yard. Living with them was a niece Julia Peck, 46.