NameRobert Owen WILLIAMS
Birth PlaceColwyn Bay, Clwyd, Wales
MemoRobert Owen Williams was a very popular name in Wales in 1887-9. The index referenced here is considered the most likely one for this Robert. The birth location is from the 1911 census.
Reside Date2 Apr 19116506 Age: 22
Reside PlaceChelmsford, Essex, England
MemoRobert Owen Williams, 23 Municipal Clerk boarded with Elizabeth Ann Rowse Mithell in her Boarding house at 19 Hamlet Street.
Death DateJun 19566507 Age: 67
Death PlaceSurrey North Eastern, Surrey, England
MemoSons were born Kingston Surrey and likely to live there so this death fits well but need more information to determine if correct.
OccupationMunicipal Clerk (1911)