Marr DateSep 18456743
Marr PlaceDunmow, Essex, England
Reside Date7 Apr 18616744
Reside PlaceGreat Waltham, Essex, England
MemoLiving at the Hard End were Thomas Hasler, 38 Blackasmith employing 3 men and a boy, his wife Sarah, 38 and their children William Andrew, 14 Blacksmith’s son, Mary, 12, Kate, 10, Thomas, 8, Frederick, 7.
Reside Date2 Apr 18716745
Reside PlaceGreat Waltham, Essex, England
MemoLiving in Farm Hill cottage were Thomas Hasler, 48 Master Blacksmith employing 2 men and 1 boy, his wife Sara, 48 and their children Frederick, 12, John, 9 and Henry, 4.
Reside Date3 Apr 18816746
Reside PlaceGreat Dunmow, Essex, England
MemoLiving in House Grounds were Thomas Hasler, 55 Farmer, his wife Sarah, 54 and their son Henry, 14.