NameJohn TURPIN 

Birth Dateca 1813
Birth PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
Chr Date30 Oct 18147737 Age: 1
Chr PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
MemoAt St. John the Baptist. Parents were George, a Labourer & Ann who resided in Little London.
Death DateJun 18817738 Age: 68
Death PlaceBraintree, Essex, England
Birth Datebef 12 Sep 1819
Memocirca 1810 according to death index
Chr Date12 Sep 18197735 Age: <1
Chr PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
MemoAt St. John the Baptist as Rebekah. Parents were Robert, a labourer and Mary.
Death Date29 Aug 18907736 Age: 70
Death PlaceGreat Clacton, Essex, England
Memodeath index says age was 79 years, that is born circa 1810
OccupationSchool Mistress (1851), Straw Plaiter (1881)
Marr PlaceBraintree, Essex, England
Marr MemoWitnesses were George Turpin, William Martin
Notes for Rebecca (Spouse 1)
She was mentioned in the will of Johnathon Lewsey of 1848.