Marr DateDec 18597769 
Marr PlaceDunmow, Essex, England
Reside Date2 Apr 18717770
Reside PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
MemoLiving at Cornish Hal End were George Lewsey, 30, his wife Mary, 33 and their childen Joseph, 19, George, 9, Emily, 6, Elizabeth, 3,Joshua, 2 and Rose Ellen, 0.
Reside Date3 Apr 18817771
Reside PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
MemoLiving at 2 Cornish Hall End were George Lewsey, 40, Agricultural Labourer, his wife Mary, 43 and their children George, 19, Agricutural Labourer, Emily, 16, Elizabet, 13, Josua, 12, Agricultural Labourer, Rose Ellen, 10, Susanna, 8 and William, 6.
Reside Date5 Apr 18917772
Reside PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
MemoLiving at 8 Cornish Hall End were George Lewsey, 50, Agricultural Labourer, his wife Mary, 53 and their children George, 29, Agricultural Labourer, William, 16, Agricultural Labourer, Ernest, 10 and Newman, 4.
Reside Date31 Mar 19017773
Reside PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
MemoLiving at 2 Cornish Hall End were George Lewsey, 61, Horseman on Farm, his wife Mary, 64 and their son (grandson?) Norman (Newman), 14, Labourer on Farm.