Birth Datebef 28 Apr 1791
Birth PlaceWendy, Cambridgeshire, England
MemoSee baptism reference.
Chr Date28 Apr 179110923 Age: <1
Chr PlaceWendy, Cambridgeshire, England
MemoThis is the only baptism of a Simon LEET found and this date may be too early. The parents indicated for him are based upon this baptism date. The death date fits age of this entry well, however locations although near to marriage location why did he leave Histon late in life?
Death DateMar 1842 Age: 50
Death PlaceCambridgeshire, England
MemoSee burial reference.
Burial Date24 Mar 184210924
Burial PlaceGuilden Morden, Cambridgeshire, England
MemoHis age fits well with birth date used but cannot be sure this is the right Simon Leet.