Marr PlaceMellis, Suffolk, England
Reside Date7 Jun 184113967
Reside PlaceMellis, Suffolk, England
MemoLiving in Dam Lane Mellis, Hartismere where Thomas Larter, 45 his wife Frances, 44 and their children Nathaniel, 17, James, 13, Alfred, 11, Frederick, 9, Anne, 6 and Mary, 2.
Reside Date30 Mar 185113968
Reside PlaceMellis, Suffolk, England
MemoStill living in Dam Lane Mellis, Hartismere where Thomas Larter, 55, Carpenter Master, his wife Frances, 54 and their children Alfred,21, Frederic, 18 both Carpenters at Home & Mary, 12. Staying with them was a grandson William, 3.
Reside Date7 Apr 186113969
Reside PlaceMellis, Suffolk, England
MemoStill living in Dam Lane Mellis, Hartismere where Thomas Larter, 65, Carpenter employing one man, his wife Frances, 65 and their son Thomas, 29, Capenter & Joiner and a grandson William Larter, 13.
Reside Date2 Apr 187113970
Reside PlaceMellis, Suffolk, England
MemoStill living in Mellis were Thomas Larter (Junior), 76, Carpeter, his wife Frances, 77 a daughter-in-law Susan, 45, a dressmaker and grandson James Hailes, 13.