NameFrederick TOWNSEND
, 4C1R
Birth PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
MemoBirth location from 1881 census. Two possible births in 1879 either first or forth quarter. Reviewing information including census suggests the first quarter birth as the other Frederick is usually shown in census as born 1880.
Reside Date5 Apr 1891 Age: 12
Reside PlaceFinchingfield, Essex, England
MemoLiving with parents. No further census entries have been found for this Frederick.
Death DateJun 189214861 Age: 13
Death PlaceBraintree, Essex, England
MemoThis is almost certainly the right death, howver a small possible he was the other Frederick born in 1879. This death fits well with fact that his parents had one child die before 1911 and this death is the only one that has been found. Further the other Frederick is shown in census as being born 1880 and he was alive in 1911.