AITKEN to WHAITE - Person Sheet
NameAmelia Ann PEARCE
Birth Date8 Jul 185520079
Birth PlaceNew South Wales, Australia
MemoBirth date from baptism.
Chr Date8 Aug 185520080 Age: <1
Chr PlaceRichmond, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Death Date26 Oct 192820081 Age: 73
Death PlaceRichmond, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Birth PlaceCastlereagh, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
MemoBirth location from death inquest
Death PlacePenrith, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
MemoInquest in Penrith on 12-13 March, William born Castlereagh, cause of death was an accident after being kicked by a horse.
Marr PlaceRichmond, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia