AITKEN to WHAITE - Person Sheet
NameHenry JONES
Birth Date18 Jun 188720796
Birth PlaceArgyle, Goulburn Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia
Death Date17 Aug 196420797 Age: 77
Death PlaceWallsend, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
MemoAs Harry.
Birth Date20 Sep 188620798
Birth PlaceSydney, New South Wales, Australia
MemoOnly likely birth foiund in NSW if born as Peters.
Death MemoNo death that fits found. Location might suggest Wallsend however this death in 1968 was a Katherine Doris Jones nee O’Connor not Peters.
Marr Date12 Nov 191020799
Marr PlaceGoulburn, Goulburn Mulwaree, New South Wales, Australia