NameJohn Edward JACKSON 

Birth PlaceWrexham, Denbighshire, Wales
MemoFrom 1891 census.
Reside Date31 Mar 190121561 Age: 16
Reside PlaceWrexham, Denbighshire, Wales
MemoLiving at 31 Percy Road with the Phennah family was John Jackson, 16 an Ironmonger’s apprentice.
Death Date28 Oct 192321562 Age: 39
Death PlaceVictoria Falls, Rhodesia
MemoDeath notice John Edward Jackson was born Wrexham, Wales. His father was John Edward Jackson (deceased) and mother Charlotte Edgar Jackson of Guilford Road, Rosebank, Cape Provence. He was aged 39 years and 4 months. He was a hotel keeper of St. Georges Hotel, Simontown. He was married to Agnes Scott Jackson (born Morton). He had no children. His place of marriage was Mowbray, Cape Provence.Diseased left moveable property but no fixed property. Estate value exceded £300. He had signed a will.
OccupationIronmongers Apprentice (1901), Hotel Keeper (1923)