Birth Dateabt 1831
Birth PlaceIreland
Memo1861 census birth circa 1827.
Reside Date2 Apr 1871708 Age: 40
Reside PlaceBeith, Ayrshire, Scotland
MemoLongbar Hamlet, Sarah McBride 46 head supported by family and sons Thomas McBude 19 labourer,
Wm John McBude 14 miner and daughters Isabella McBude 9 scholar (born Beith, Ayrshire ) and Margaret McBude 7 scholar (born Kilbirnie, Ayrshire) around time of death of her father. Dinah (23) & James (19) apparently no longer live with mother. Eros (12) is also absent, perhaps dead.
Reside Date3 Apr 1881709 Age: 50
Reside PlaceBeith, Ayrshire, Scotland
MemoLongbar Hamlet, Sarah McBride 50 head, with an occupation of Tambourer (A tambour is a circular frame used to hold fabric (in this case, lace) taut while it is being embroidered. A tambourer was therefore an embroiderer working in lace using a tambour). Living with her were her son William I McBride, 24, iron miner and daughters Isabella McBride, 19, a Steambower Weaver and Margaret McBride, 17, a Dressmaker.
Death Date17 Nov 1897710 Age: 66
Death PlaceBeith, Ayrshire, Scotland
MemoDied Longbar, Beith, age 66 widow of Thomas McBride. Witness on certificate was Dinah Cochrane her daughter, cause was softening of the brain 4 years
OccupationTambourer (embroiderer) (1881)