Marr Date10 Apr 18143866
Marr PlaceEssex, England
Reside Date7 Jun 18413867
Reside PlaceStambourne, Essex, England
MemoAt Cray's End Way lived Abraham, 45, agriculturaL Labourer, his wife Pheby, 50, daughters Sarah, 22 and Hepsabeth, 8 and sons Aron, 19 & Allen,14.
Reside Date30 Mar 18513868
Reside PlaceStambourne, Essex, England
MemoAbraham, household head, agricultural labourer, age 56, his wife Phoebe, age 57 and son Allen, age 24, agricultural labourer and daughter Hepzibah, 17, straw plaiter. Living with them was Sarah Bragg, 30, a straw plaiter and widow and daughter born 1819!