NameRose WHAITE , 2C3R
Birth Date23 Feb 1870
Birth PlaceManchester, Lancashire, England
MemoNo birth registration found. Date possibly 23 Feb 1870 as per referenced 1939 register.
Chr Date24 Apr 187011832 Age: <1
Chr PlaceManchester, Lancashire, England
MemoAt St. Johns Church. Father John an painter of Cornbrook Place. Her mother was recorded as Sarah. This might suggest parents were John and Sarah Houghton but the 1871 Rose has shown as daughter of John, the artist and living with John and Lucy at 15 Atkinson Street.
Reside Date29 Sep 193911833 Age: 69
Reside PlaceManchester, Lancashire, England
MemoIf death as recorded this is likely to be Rose as Birth date fits well. Living at 8 Broom Street was Rosanna Green, widow born 23 February 1870.
Death DateJun 194511834 Age: 75
Death PlaceManchester, Lancashire, England
MemoPossible death as Rosanna.