AITKEN to WHAITE - Person Sheet
NameDavid MILLER 
Birth Dateca 1897
Birth PlaceInverarity, Angus, Scotland
MemoFrom 1901 census.
Birth PlaceFalkirk, Stirlingshire, Scotland
MemoUnder 1 month at 1901 census.
Death Date198612659 Age: 84
Death PlaceEdinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Marr Date28 Oct 193112660 
Marr PlaceStirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Marr MemoDavid Miller, a farmer living at Moatmill, Tealing near Dundee married Isabella Aitken Ritchie Morrison of Napier Place in Falkirk at the Golden Lion Hotel in KIng Street, Stirling. David's parents were John Liffie Miller, a farmer (deceased) and Isabella Sierie. Isabella's parents were Colin Morrison, Ironmonger forman and Isabella S Sierie.